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Legend (InteractiveMap/InteractiveMap_Conservation)

FPP Tax Parcels (0)
Environmental Corridors (PZD) (1)
Hydric Soils (NRCS Rating) (2)
(C) Hydric Component (C) Hydric Component
(I) Hydric Inclusion (I) Hydric Inclusion
Prime Farm Land (NRCS Rating) (3)
Prime Farmland Prime Farmland
Prime Farmland where drained Prime Farmland where drained
Prime Farmland where drained and protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime Farmland where drained and protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season
Highly Erodible Lands (NRCS Rating) (4)
Highly Erodible Land Highly Erodible Land
Potentially Highly Erodible Land Potentially Highly Erodible Land